Let's reweave the social safety net in Sonoma County, CA

For nonprofits, government agencies, advocacy groups, and others

What we do?

Our work ranges from expanding access to information about essential services like food (Text Food/Comida) to facilitating events that generate ideas and new understanding for social justice, like the Festival of Belonging and Homes For All conference (iBelong).

Real-time information sharing between social service organizations and the people they compassionately serve daily.
We envision a connected community, where every individual feels a sense of belonging and equity is the norm.
We believe that together, our community holds the answers to seemingly unsolvable social challenges.
Justicewise was founded in 2017 to support community efforts to solve complex challenges like homelessness.

Latest News

Discover free food near you at the new Text Food/Comida website.
See how our mobile-friendly messaging service puts all the information you need at your fingertips. You can also get a list of nearby locations right from the website. Explore all the resources available to help you find food or to share Text Food/Comida with others.

Our Donors

Justicewise maximizes every dollar entrusted to us. Donor funding powers our programs and the ability to grow and adapt in response to community feedback. Contributions from partners and volunteers mean our events and information services for free to everyone.


Gillian Haley

Meet Our Founder

Respectful communication lies at the heart of navigating conflict successfully. My interest in conflict was cemented at an early age when I witnessed an argument that ended with a family member’s death. Throughout my life, I have embraced every opportunity to learn about conflict.